This was originally a reply to a post at TradeSecrets
but I thought it worth including here. If you need some creative inspiration or just to refresh yourself in case of creative block.
1. Sleep. We are all deprived of it. Get some, it’s the best antidepressant available.
2. Stop Trying So Hard. When we focus on something too much, we actually block it.
3. Find a Friend. Who is a tonic to you? Everyone needs a couple of people like that. Get with them.
4. Try a new medium. There’s always some mileage in that. Grab your camera and go downtown. Maybe construct images with food and then eat them. mmmmmm…..
5. Give yourself an assignment. 700 hoboes and 100 pirates have been done. What about 77 Cyborg Gorillas?
6. Steal something. Like jazz artists do standards. Illustrate some Classic theme with a new twist.
7. Life Drawing Session - it’s been a while hasn’t it?
8. Get away from that computer, go outside.
9. Clay or plasticene. Is there a better therapy?
10. Random Provocations. What if I worked blindfolded today, or only drew with my feet? Or did charicatures of the next 10 people who showed up on CNN?
Try these out, if you have more. Post 'em